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Getting From A Google Score Of 88 To 100

Getting From A Google Rating Of 88 To 100

Valued Reader,

Page Title Also Known As a Blog’s H1 Header – This is the Blog title and it should not exceed 60 characters, which is the maximum accepted by all major search engines. However, it comes highly recommended to keep it at around 55 characters. Your Site Title (H1 Header) must be specific and target Short Tail Keywords, perhaps around 3 will be suggestible. Make your title easy to remember and target a specific need within your niche. But more importantly, remember to offer a solution within your content.

Post Titles Also Known As a Blog’s H2 Headers – Each Blog Post title must be an H2 header, and this is where one must target the Long Tail Keywords. Normally around 3 keywords used in conjunction to make up a striking title. Remember that neither your site nor post title must be of promotional nature, but rather informative pointing at what to expect.

Meta Description – A Blog’s Meta Description must contain the best description of what the Blog is about. Tell your visitor what to expect, and what kind of content they will have access to. The Meta Description must not exceed 160 characters, but as with the Site Title a lesser amount is suggested. Keep the Meta Description at around 155 characters to be safe.

Meta Keywords – This is where it gets a little more interesting, because Meta Keywords are no longer accepted by Google. In fact, the presence of Meta Keywords will reduce your Google Rating considerably.

Broken Links – You should frequently check on broken links within the in page URLs. These are post, page and comment links. Which is also why a spam blocker is important to your Blog, and the best way to do that is with a spam blocking plugin.

Underscores In Links – Underscores in links can also be referred to as unfriendly S.E.O characters in your In Page URLs. These include any special characters you have to enter by using the shift key on your keyboard. Always ensure that both page and post URLs do not contain any of these special characters.

Inline C.S.S Styles – Inline C.S.S Styles are found within the HTML code of images. Now there are thousands of sites on the internet where you can download high quality royalty free images. (Just search your browser for the search phrase “royalty free images”) My research have shown that these Inline C.S.S Styles, are less common in images from actual cameras. Designer or edited images however, seldom does not have Inline C.S.S. Styles and that is where you need to use a little more caution. But there’s another “trick” with Inline C.S.S Styles.

When an image contains Inline C.S.S Styles, and is used as a featured Image to a Blog Post then it will not interfere with the site’s Google Rating. When using such images as Header or Background images and that is when the site’s Google rating will be affected.

Favicon – Having a favicon alone can boost a Blog’s Google rating with 10 – 15%. A favicon is generally an image of preferably 200 x 200 pixels. A good Logo works well, and this is also the image that will be used should you decide to create an App. For example, when you open WordPress, the tiny blue “W” appear in the window tab to the top. That is the site favicon and when there is no favicon it will normally display as a tiny page image with a folded corner.

WWW Redirection – The www section of your site’s link must redirect to the primary domain. In other words the URLs will be http: // www (dot) Your Blog Domain (dot) com, and just http: // Your Blog Domain (dot) com. Both these URLs must redirect to the Blog’s Primary Domain.

Now once a site meet with the 23 from 25 requirements, it will have reached a Google Rating of 88% and there are only two requirements left. You can view the requirement compliance with a tool I use called “Small S.E.O Tools”, you may want to search your browser for this one and use the S.E.O Score Checker. From there you simply do a little editing and ensure your Blog comply with the 23 requirements.

The last 12% to a Google rating of 100% is made up from Domain and Page Authority. Increasing a site’s Domain and Page Authority requires a lot of useful content, but more importantly it requires time. Time is the only secret ingredient of success, because time is what builds knowledge.

Domain Authority – Domain Authority can be increased by ensuring all pages and posts consist of content above 1000 words, kept to a maximum of 2000 words. Google loves fresh interesting content, which is why Blogging is more preferred among successful affiliate marketers. Try including your Anchor Text within your page and post content. Anchor text is the text that your visitor will be more likely to enter in their browser to search for a specific product or information.

Page Authority – Page Authority will increase by the presence of comments and high quality back-links. Which is why it comes highly recommended to ensure that comments will require to be reviewed by the webmaster first. Spam blocking plugins normally do this automatically.

A manual way to ensure high quality back links, is to physically test each email address and URL shared by the visitor’s comment. You must never just blindly welcome all comments, it can do more harm than good. If either of these links don’t work, then that will just be another broken link pointing to your Blog and decrease the Google Rating.

Best to also be using an S.E.O plugin like “All in One S.E.O Pack” which can easily be installed from inside the Blog c-Panel. Plugins are some of the best tools to rank fast. Cloak affiliate links and much more. Affiliate Links can be cloaked to point back to the Blog Primary Domain.

That way sites like Facebook will not Flag, Block or Ban the link you share in your posts. But that is a topic for another time.

Wishing You Prosperity,

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#Google #Rating

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