The importance of search engine traffic cannot be over emphasized. The results in engines are taken to be more authentic than paid listings, and hence it is the key to build a brand, to have more traffic and more revenue. The following are the 9 most important seo WordPress pluggins that WordPress blogs might do with:
1. All in One seo Pack
This WordPress plugin helps you to prepare the basics of seo for your blog. You can have metatags for your entire blog or different sets for each different page.
2. Redirection
There may be changes to your permalink URL of a particular page of a blog. You may have updated it, may have shifted hosts, or have renamed the link URL. What happens is the user comes to the URL which was there before, but doesn’t find it, resulting in loss of traffic and goodwill. Redirection takes care of this and automatically redirects the user to the Updated page resulting in lower loss of traffic, it is a very useful WordPress plugin for seo.
3. Robots Meta
Search engines entire sites by default, and sometimes that result in penalty due to duplicate content present in different pages. Proper seo should take care of this, and robots meta helps this by telling engines which areas of site to crawl and which not to crawl. Robots Meta is a good WordPress plugin for this. Good for seo and hence good for traffic on your WordPress blog too.
4. seo Smart Links
Internal link structure is one of the key issues of seo. Search engines give more importance to pages that are linked again and again from a site, giving that page more importance than the others. Doing that manually would take hours and would be a continual task. seo Smart links allows you to specify a word, like ‘traffic’ and then link it to a post on your site. Then each time the word traffic appears on your site, it’s automatically turned into a link you specified.
5. seo Friendly Images
For good seo, image should be tagged properly and meaningfully. seo friendly images do just that. If you are keen to use images in your WordPress blog, you should be keen to use this WordPress plugin as well.
6. Google Positioner
Know what the users are searching for, instead of guessing what they could search for and building accordingly. This application gives you the group of keywords users used to get to you, so that you can position your pages accordingly. Cool, isn’t it?
7. Permalinks Moved Permanently
This works like the redirect plugin, only in a simpler and better way.
8. Nofollow Case by Case
The nofollow is used so that no pagerank value is given to comment links. However, a new blogger may want to give away that juice to attract new users, who gets value for their posts. This WordPress plugin does exactly that.
9. seo Slugs
Stop words are ignored by search engines, but they are indispensable in post titles. Suppose you have a title like “What can you do in seo for higher WordPress traffic”. Your permlink will be “what-can-you-do-for-higher-WordPress-traffic” but what you want is “higher-WordPress-traffic”. The WordPress plugin automatically removes stop words from the permalink, helping you to rank better.