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10 Easy Tricks to Develop a Profitable Web site

10 Simple Tips to Develop a Successful Website

Make a plan

Keep in mind that every project starts with a plan. For making a proper plan, write down your ideas and consider about the sections in your site projects are needed. Make categories for your products or services and decide other things to be put in other parts of the website. It would be better for to sketch a simple diagram. It would help you to recall the site structure was planned.

Conduct research and keyword analysis

Do some research work and keyword analysis to find out which keywords help your site to be found on search engines. For this, you can take support from Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Access the tool and enter three to five important keywords that are relevant to your products or services and business.

Choose a reliable provider for web hosting and search for available domain name

For seo, a keyword sensitive domain name is a great choice. However, you have to decide the domain or a domain name that is better to find in search engines. For selecting a keyword domain, you need to choose the most relevant keyword from your keyword analysis domain to make your website more trusted.

Use Content Management System (CMS) or scratch to develop the site

You know, sometimes using the CMS to create a website is better and sometimes it is not. This choice depends on several influences. It would be better for you, ask your Website Development Company to go for a CMS, if you expand or update your site content frequently. If you are willing to get a static website, choose HTML. Select WordPress blog, if your site has mostly news to publish.

Choose a stylish layout

It is a good choice to use a ready website template for your CMS based or regular website when your design-budget is limited. Recall the plan you made earlier while choosing a web template for your business site. It’s very common that most of you select a design as it looks so good and later you have problems to use a template for the site. Therefore, be very careful and select a stylish layout.

Write original, unique and relevant content

Always keep in mind that the content is the king. While writing content for your site, make sure it is unique, relevant and friendly for search engines. For this, use a set of 3-5 keywords for each page and frame sentences using one keyword in each section or paragraph on a page. Avoid copy-paste work for your web content.

Build the Website

The website development process is very limited, if you use a CMS. You can need to install some needed extensions such as seo plugins or module depending on the CMS. While developing the site from the scratch, you need to convert your website template into a site. It is essential to use several different header tags (h1, h2 and h3). Use a great page title and the “alt” attribute inside your image tags.

Test your site and remove all problems

When your website is built, you need to conduct some tests. Do it yourself or ask your hired Website Development Company to test all functions and examine your site in different web browsers. Ask other people to test the website. Resolve all the problems before you publish the website.

Do web statistics

After making the site live, you need to know how the visitors behave on your business site. With Google Analytics, you can know the visitors behavior and take the appropriate action to enhance the site.

Promote your website

There are several ways to get visitors to your new site. Based on your choice, you can promote the site at free of cost or through paid advertisements. Spread the news about your new site through writing a press release or mentioning it to all your known persons. For promoting the site, you can opt for seo, SMO, PPC and so on.

You can do all these at yourself or with the support of your hired Website Development Company. All the best!

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