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Web Advertising Instruments – Why Do I Want A Internet Internet hosting Service?

Internet Marketing Tools - Why Do I Need A Web Hosting Service?

Internet Marketing tools – Why Do I Need A Web Hosting Service?

Web hosting is a service which allows you to upload your own files and site to a server in a data centre. Once uploaded, your website can be seen by anyone connected to the Internet. Providers have their own specialists to maintain their system reliability and security.

Putting a web page on the internet and making it available for the world to see requires specialized equipment and knowledge. A web hosting service is able to leverage the capacity and power of their servers by dividing it amongst a fairly large customer base. 

How Do I Choose The Best Web Hosting Service Provider?

1. Reliability Record – the reality is, if the web host goes down, your web page can not be found and that costs you business. Check for feedback from past customers and always maintain your own backup of your entire web site yourself.

2. Disk Space – very few businesses are run using a single web page. They require space to house their pages and supporting files. While most web sites may not require significant amounts of disk space, why add this to your list of concerns when it is not necessary?

3. Bandwidth – anyone who has used the internet in the era of the dialup connection knows the how painful it is to work with limited bandwidth. Limited bandwidth can result in slow loading web pages that annoy you and more importantly, your customers.

4. E-mail Addresses – how many will your business need? If you are a small business owner, you might say to yourself that you only need one or two email addresses to work with per domain. I would recommend more to allow for your business to expand and grow.

5. Number of Domains – how many domains does the plan you are considering allow you to host? A cheap web hosting plan will quickly become an expensive web hosting plan if you are required to pay the same amount for each domain you would like to have hosted.

6. Domain Name Registration – almost all web hosting service providers allow you to use their service to register domain names. There are different time frames that a domain may be registered for. Domains can be registered for a period of one, two or more years at a time.

7. Specific Applications – for those just starting out on the internet, this will not be an issue. Most providers include the tools the average online marketing customer will need. However, while many provide an easy way to install WordPress, not all are WordPress friendly.

8. Customer Service Availability – do they offer 24/7 support? Do they offer a variety of methods by which their support can be accessed such as a support ticket system, phone support and online chat? Are they able to provide professional consulting and assistance?

9. Money Back Guarantee – terms of service should be carefully reviewed. Take the time to thoroughly read the terms and conditions so that you are aware of what is expected of you should you wish to discontinue using a particular web hosting service provider.

10. Set-up and Monthly Fees – a setup fee is usually a one-time cost unlike your monthly hosting fee expense. There are many quality web hosting service providers who are able to supply their customers with reliable web site hosting for under $10 USD per month.

These factors are is no particular order so let me know what you think is the most important factor in selecting a web hosting provider by adding your comments.

hosting domain registration
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