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Happiness is Enjoying Your Own Company

When you live in happiness the need to look outside yourself for approval, for validation, or for love disappears. You love yourself. In fact, you love yourself first.

That self-love sets you apart from the majority of people who think they need someone to love them in order to be okay. Most people refuse to spend time alone with just themselves.

When most people find themselves physically alone they play music (instruments or radio, etc.) or watch the television or movies. They may turn on some electronic device that makes noise just to let that noise play in the background.

Why do people need noise in the environment? Without that noise their Little Voice may get loud. That Little Voice may criticize them for any number of thoughts and behaviors-past or present-or even what they contemplate doing in the future!

Mot people cannot tolerate that Little Voice so they drown it out with outside noise in preference to listening to some belittling inner dialogue. Often people need noise in the background even when they are not alone. That noise serves as a barrier to allowing others into their lives-lives that leave them feeling less than, not enough and inadequate in some way.

Thoughts of not having enough or not being enough plague most people. Where do those thoughts come from? Basically they are the tapes that play over and over-and have been playing throughout one’s life. Those tapes compose the 95% of thoughts repeated daily.

Yes, those daily repeated thoughts became habitual at some point. They play so automatically that most people fail to hear them as tapes apart from who they actually are. Instead they assume those messages are who they are-and they act accordingly. So they remain stuck in unhappiness.

The truth is that every person is a whole and perfect Diving Being. Anyone can change those tapes, replace them with thoughts that empower them to move forward into their Very Excellent Life.

Ah! The thing is you first need to realize you make the choice to stay stuck. Therefore you can make a different choice to become unstuck. And that step happens when you take the steps in a new and different direction. That step follows easily and comfortably when you love yourself first.

To live in happiness put your own needs first-not at the expense of others. Just stop living to serve others at your own expense. Honor and respect yourself. You cannot give what you do not have. You cannot possibly love, honor or respect another until you do the same for you.

Loving yourself takes you into happiness. When you dwell in happiness your love comes from a bottomless source. You enjoy your own company. You know how terrific you are. The opinion of others really does not matter to you.

The one person who follows you wherever you go, the one person you can always count on-is you. Live in happiness now and experience the joyful life you came here to experience.

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