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Bluehost or HostGator – Some Factors to Think about

Bluehost or HostGator – Some Points to Consider

The Bluehost or HostGator question seems to confuse many would-be professional web hosting subscribers. In order to tackle this query, one must first understand why professional web hosting is needed and then be able to make an informed choice.

Web hosting is basically the space on the internet where your website or blog resides. As you are well aware, sites reside on servers. As there are many free web hosting platforms on the internet, one wonders why one should get professional web hosting in the first place.

The answer is very simple. All free platforms have the right to pull down a site without notice if they feel that the site is infringing on their terms of use. Some reserve the right to remove a site without giving an explanation. Yet others might be pulled down if the free hosting platform provider shuts down its services. So all the work done by a web master or blog owner could be lost in an instant if this happens. And all this pain for a few dollars a month.

Two of the giants in the professional web hosting world are Bluehost and HostGator. Both are well established and have millions of subscribers on their books. It goes without saying that both strive to remain dominant in this field. And they do this by offering similar features and throwing in a special offer or more.

To get back to the Bluehost or HostGator comparison, one must check out the similar features they both offer. Both offer unlimited domains, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. Both plans also offer other features such as unlimited email accounts, 24/7 support and shopping carts among others. These are true for the single plan offered by Bluehost and are also true for the Baby plan offered by HostGator. The Hatchling plan offered by the latter does not offer all these features. For the purpose of this Bluehost or HostGator contest, I will compare the single Bluehost plan with the HostGator’s Baby plan. This is because Bluehost offers just one plan as compared to HostGator, which might be seen as being very inflexible. However both the single plan and the Baby Plan mentioned earlier are both adequate for personal and small business use.

Where they both differ is mainly in price. Bluehost has one pricing structure and HostGator has three, although the Business plan is, in my opinion, too expensive for personal and small business use. The Hatchling plan is the cheapest option but there are limitations such a single domain can only be hosted.

month to month web hosting
#Bluehost #HostGator #Points

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